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Shipping & Returns

Shipping Policy

Shipping Rates and Estimates *

Shipping charges for your order will be calculated based on volume, weight and travel distance.


Local Delivery *

Some stock products may qualify for free local delivery. Minimum quantities apply.


* All deliveries are made to driveway or garage. Extra charges apply for interior placement.


Return & Exchange Policy

  • Refunds are permitted up to 30 calendar days from the purchase date on products in original packaging.

  • All inventory items are subject to a 20% restocking fee unless stated otherwise on invoice.

  • All refunds are processed into original payment method.

  • No refunds on:

    • Adhesives​

    • Special orders and custom products

    • Clearance/Liquidation products

  • Defective products may be exchanged at no cost. Factory defects may be subject to warranty claims.​


Contact us for details.

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